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visibility: hidden } 100% { -webkit-transform: none; -moz-transform: none; transform: none; opacity: 1; visibility: visible } } .index-yw li:nth-child(1) .iyicon { transition-delay: 0.15s; } .islitem:hover .ilipic img { -webkit-transform: scale(1.05); -moz-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05); } .islitem:hover { transform: translateY(-20px); } .islitem:hover .ilicv:before { left: 0; width: 100%; opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .islitem:hover .ict1,.islitem:hover .it2txt{ color: #fff; } .imlist li:nth-child(1),.inlist li:nth-child(1){ transition-delay: 0.15s; } .imlist li:nth-child(2),.inlist li:nth-child(2){ transition-delay: 0.35s; } .imlist li:nth-child(3),.inlist li:nth-child(3){ transition-delay: 0.55s; } .itqh:nth-child(1){ transition-delay: 0.15s; } .itqh:nth-child(2){ transition-delay: 0.35s; } } @media screen and (max-width:1750px) { .sl3jt { margin: 0 15px; font-size: 50px; } .sl3pic { width: 250px; height: 190px; } .sp3num { font-size: 20px; } .ittb2{ width: 80px; 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} .sl4wrap { padding: 80px 0; } .sn4icon { width: 160px; height: 160px; line-height: 160px; font-size: 45px; } .sn4icon:before { width: 134px; height: 134px; } .sn4box { width: 166px; } .sn4jt { font-size: 26px; } .sn4ms { font-size: 14px; } .sl5ms { font-size: 16px; margin-top: 40px; } .sf5t1 { font-size: 20px; } .sf5t2 { font-size: 24px; } .st5wz { font-size: 16px; } .sl5btn a { font-size: 18px; } .ptqh { font-size: 16px; } .plct { font-size: 16px; margin-right: 10px; } .jwtitle{ font-size: 24px; } .join-wrap{ padding: 80px 0; } .jlitem{ height: 70px; line-height: 70px; } .jltxt1{ font-size: 18px; } .jltxt2,.jlzk{ font-size: 14px; } .contact-wrap{ padding: 80px 0; } .cb1l{ padding-right: 20px; } .cb1row{ margin-bottom: 30px; } .cb1c{ padding: 0 40px; } .ci2bt{ font-size: 16px; } .st5wz:before{ top: 10px; } .sl5fw{ padding: 0 50px; } .st1item{ height: 350px; } .pctlb .slick-arrow:before{ font-size: 25px; } .pcms{ font-size: 16px; } .el-link{ font-size: 13px; } .ej-list{ width: 170px; margin-left: -85px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1440px) { .header .yj-bot .yj-link { padding: 0 20px; } .icwtxt { font-size: 18px; margin-top: 0; } .icwz { width: 260px; } .abpic img { position: relative; width: auto; height: 390px; left: 50%; margin-left: -720px; } .sl3jt { margin: 0 10px; font-size: 40px; } .sl3pic { width: 230px; height: 170px; } .sp3txt { padding: 10px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1370px) { .ci2sr{ height: 40px; line-height: 40px; margin-top: 5px; } .ci2area{ height: 100px; margin-top: 5px; } .w1200 { width: 1000px; } .ab2nf { margin: 30px auto 0; } .ar1tj li:not(:first-child) { padding-left: 15px; } .ar1tj li { margin-right: 10px; } .si1title { font-size: 18px; } .nmlink, .nmlink i { font-size: 16px; } .nmlink { padding-right: 30px; margin-right: 30px; } .sd1wrap { margin-top: 40px; } .altxt { font-size: 12px; padding: 0 10px; } .ateng { margin-left: 5px; } .jat1{ font-size: 14px; } .janr{ font-size: 13px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1280px) { .sn4icon { width: 140px; height: 140px; line-height: 140px; font-size: 35px; } .sn4icon:before { width: 114px; height: 114px; } .sn4box { width: 140px; } .sn4jt { margin: 50px 30px 0 30px; } .header .yj-bot .yj-link{ font-size: 14px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { .header { position: fixed; height: 55px; line-height: 55px; padding: 0 5%; background: #0D6FB8; box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .16); } .header .yj-bot { display: none; } .head-logo img { width: 85px; margin-top: 8.5px; } .hwright { display: none; } .menu-handler, .menuBox { display: block; } .head-wrap { margin: 0; height: 55px; line-height: 55px; } .mtop { height: 55px; } .banner-wrap { margin-top: 55px; } .bicover:before { width: 40px; height: 3px; } .bicover { padding-top: 15px; } .bict1 { font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.5; font-weight: bold; } .bict2 { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .bict2 br{ display: none; } .bict3 { font-size: 16px; margin-top: 10px; } .bict4,.bnt1,.bnt2 { font-weight: normal; font-size: 16px; } .bictlb { margin-top: 10px; font-size: 14px; } .bt3tb { width: 13px; height: 13px; margin-right: 5px; } .bict5 { font-size: 20px; } .bict6 { font-size: 16px; } .banner .slick-dots { bottom: 10px; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .banner .slick-dots li { width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 50%; } .mouseBox{ display: none; } .bwnumber{ margin-top: 15px; } .bicover { width: 90%; top: 50px; } .bc3txt { margin-top: 3px; } .frlink { width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; } .frlink i { font-size: 16px; } .frdh { height: 40px; line-height: 40px; right: 40px; width: 110px; padding: 0 15px; } .w83 { width: 90%; } .index-ma, .index-pc, .index-news, .index-sl { padding: 30px 0; } .gteng { font-size: 20px; } .ftch { font-size: 18px; padding-bottom: 10px; } .action.ftch:before { width: 100px; } .imlist { display: block; margin-top: 20px; } .imlist li { width: 100%; } .ilicon { font-size: 35px; } .ilbt { font-size: 16px; margin-top: 10px; } .ilms { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; margin-top: 10px; } .imlist li:before { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX( 0deg); -moz-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); -ms-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); -o-transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg); transform: perspective(400px) rotateX( 0deg); background: none; } .imlist li { padding: 20px; margin-top: 5px; background: #F1F1F1; } .isllist { margin-top: 30px; } .ict1 { font-size: 16px; } .index-sl { background-attachment: local; } .gymore a { width: 120px; } .gmline { width: 30px; margin-left: 5px; } .index-pc .gymore, .index-news .gymore { margin-top: 2.5px; } .iptab { margin-top: 30px; } .itqh { width: 100%; padding: 20px; } .itleft { font-size: 30px; } .itright { width: 80%; margin-left: 20px; } .irt3 { margin-top: 10px; } .ipcont { padding: 20px; } .ictqh { font-size: 14px; } .ipctab { display: block; width: 100%; float: none; text-align: center; height: auto; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; white-space: nowrap; } .icbox { margin-top: 5px; 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line-height: 38px; padding: 0 15px; margin-top: 5px; } .fepic { width: 66px; } .fwbt { margin-top: 10px; padding-top: 10px; } .up-top { bottom: auto; top: 12%; } .fwmenu .fwlink { border-right: 1px solid #fff; } .fwmenu .fwlink:not(:first-child) { border-left: none; } .ictitle { font-size: 24px; } .icwz { margin: 15px auto 0; } .icwtxt { font-size: 14px; } .icwz { width: 200px; } .insides-banner { margin-top: 55px; } .nmlink, .nmlink i { font-size: 14px; } .nymenu { width: 100%; float: none; text-align: center; height: auto; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; white-space: nowrap; } .nmlink { height: 40px; line-height: 40px; padding: 0 15px; margin-right: 0; } .nmlink:not(:last-child):before { height: 16px; } .abbox1, .abbox2, .abbox3, .abbox4 { padding: 30px 0; } .ab1left { float: none; } .ab1right { float: none; width: 100%; margin-top: 30px; padding-left: 0; border-left: none; } .altxt1, .ar1name { font-size: 18px; } .altxt2 { font-size: 12px; padding-bottom: 10px; 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} .ab3banner { margin-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 40px; } .ab3banner .slick-dots li { width: 8px; height: 8px; margin: 0 5px; } .ab3banner .slick-arrow { top: 35%; } .ab4list { margin-top: 30px; } .ab4list li { height: 100px; } .about2-wrap { padding: 30px 0; } .aq2cr { font-size: 13px; line-height: 25px; } .aq2eng { font-size: 12px; margin-top: 5px; } .at2qh { margin: 0 10px; } .aw2list .ilwz { padding: 20px; } .al2bt { margin-top: 20px; } .pages-list { height: 38px; line-height: 38px; padding: 0 10px; margin-top: 30px; } .plzc { left: 10px; } .plyc { right: 10px; } .plyc i { margin-left: 5px; } .plzc i { margin-right: 5px; } .pnsz { width: 20px; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-size: 12px; } .plpn { font-size: 12px; } .news-detail { padding: 20px 0 30px 0; } .w73 { width: 90%; } .nblink { font-size: 12px; } .ndxq { margin-top: 30px; } .nxtitle { font-size: 18px; } .nxdate { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 5px; } .nxline { width: 60%; margin: 10px auto 0; } .nxnr { margin-top: 20px; 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